RYKRISP is associated with the outdoors and being a great trail companion. Here is a list of great portable snacks to enjoy on the trail while we are waiting for “the best crunch in town” to return. In the meantime, enjoy these great combinations. 14 Delicious Portable Snacks You’ll Want To Eat Everywhere
Where can we get our RY Krisp in Minneapolis? We have loved them all of our lives…my parents have loved them all of theirs and my grandparents loved them all of their lives! (Norwegian & German) We used them on everything. It’s great that you KNEW the market wanted and really has demanded to our grocers that we want Ry Krisp back again. We are so happy that you are restarting them again. We live in Plymouth, which is in the NW corner of MSP, near Lake Minnetonka. Plz email me where and when your products will be available again. We look forward to eating them again. Now…14 flavors? That’ll be fun!
Best regards,
The Bonneville Family
Thanks for being a fan…only 5 flavors (light rye, natural, seasoned, sesame, multigrain). That article was more RYKRISP inspiration than about the product itself. If you’ve signed up for updates on the website, you’ll be the first to know when back. The Minnesota grocers seem pretty receptive to having us back on the shelves from the get-go. Fingers crossed.
My Kroger store here in Plano, Texas rearranged everything about 3 months or so ago and not only was it frustrating to shop there afterwards but some products disappeared altogether. And one of them was RYKRISP Crackers! I have filled out a special request form to have them put it back on the shelve but unfortunately they are not real good about contacting people to give an update on the product. And now I find out on your web site that the crackers are not available anywhere right now. I am so bummed out! I have been buying RYKRISP ever since I came to America from Germany in 1966. I hope so much you will be able to bring them back soon and that they will be available in Texas.
Heidi Cox
Heidi – as I think you can see from our updates, we’re on the case. Hopefully back in the not-too-distant future. If signed up for updates, you’ll be the first to know when back.
Just recently we included whole grain rye crisp crackers in our “5 Fat-Burning Meals You Need to Eat” article! http://blog.lafitness.com/2015/08/03/5-fat-burning-meals-you-need-to-eat/
RYKRISP with peanut butter and berries
Last year they were part of our answer to “What Should Your Macronutrients Intake Be?” http://blog.lafitness.com/2014/08/04/what-should-your-macronutrients-intake-be/
RYKRISP with tuna
Keep up the hard work, Ted. Looking forward to their return for our next nutrition inspiration on Living Healthy!
You are the best! Thanks for sharing.