Brief Update – September 17, 2018 67

Thanks everyone for the comments we continue to receive. They motivate us, remind us about why we are persevering in this legal fight, and bring a ray of sunshine into the day…there are plenty of others, but this one is special Thanks.

The legal process groans on inexorably.  We’ve made it through depositions and discovery, which implies progress.  Our next time in court is at the end of October. As usual, we’re hoping for a breakthrough but realistic that the court is incredibly deliberate.  All we can be is incredibly persevering.

Wishing everyone the best and thanking the same for the ongoing words of support and offers to help.

Ted  (CEO/Owner)

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67 thoughts on “Brief Update – September 17, 2018

  • Victoria Dahlgren

    I stumbled upon this past because I was searching for information on whether any effort was being made to bring back RYKRISP. I hope that’s what your legal action is about, and if so I wish you luck. I loved that cracker. It was a tasty and healthy snack.

  • Jimmy Saranpaa

    Remember Ted, when you cross the final hurdle, never, I repeat never, change the original recipe. And please stay away from the environmental wackos in your product development and marketing efforts. Your product is more popular in Greater America…not the sewer of the urban centers. I am a Finnish-American and have enjoyed RYKRISP for 7 decades. Remember us first!

    • Ricky Gee

      Hey Ted, I just want Jimmy to know that us left-coast tree huggers love RYKRISP too! I think the demise of the product had more to do with corporate profit than environmental wackos, so how about we all just cross our fingers until we can get our hands on those savory (and heathy!) flatbread crackers we love. Perhaps RYKRISP can Make America Eat Great Again. (I’ve been eating heathy to lose weight and searching the shelves for RYKRISP for several months and finally did a google search and found my way here. Bad news and good news I guess. Keep me posted!

      • tleavitt Post author

        Ricky – A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum, or in this case us getting involved with the brand. The left coast is right there with the upper Midwest in being RYKRISP’s strongest markets. It must do with the health and outdoors along with the Scandinavian heritage. I was surprised, and then not as I’ve learned more about the brand. It would be a great snack for those working on the Camp fire. And you are right…big corporations don’t deal well with brands that aren’t big or just like the rest of them. Though, that being said, RYKRISP is very on trend these days, so the poobahs might wonder. Anyways, we continue to be on the case in hopes of making America great again for crackers. (I will steer clear of the political connotation of said comment 🙂 ) Ted

    • Ellen Eggers

      Hey let’s don’t make this partisan…..I’m from CA and an urban area and I love them too. Why don’t we focus on what we have in common instead of casting stones about! BRING BACK RYKRISP! YAY!


    I am in my 50’s and I’ve grown up with RYKRISP. I had not seen your product on the shelf for quite a while , but just figured that the particular store I was in just stopped carrying it. I hope production restarts soon. Good Luck, Ted.Sincerely, Wes from Portland ,Oregon.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Wes, Thanks for remembering. We know it’s been awhile. The West Coast has been a great market for us — healthy, outdoorsy…our kind of place. Hopefully, we can get these travails behind us one of these days and get back to crackers. Thanks for being a fan. Ted Leavitt

      • Vo

        OMG, I just sent my husband to the store to get me some RYKRISP. And found out there wasn’t any anywhere. And then I found this blog and now I’m practically in tears! I subscribed so I’ll find out when you win the case.

  • Carole Stowe

    I MISS my RYKRISP‼️ I’m of Swedish heritage & have always kept it in my pantry! Please persevere & start producing it again! RYKRISP is the BEST!

  • Edward Radesky

    HOPING that your struggles come to an end SOON!! I L-O-V-E-D this snack as a youth and wish to enjoy the original as soon as possible:)

    • tleavitt Post author

      Thanks. Was that us? At last production, we have 5 flavors — natural, sesame, seasoned, light rye and multigrain. Seasoned was the most popular. Appreciate your getting in touch. Ted Leavitt

  • Jim Tucker

    I started eating Ry Krisp crackers with melted cheese when I was about 10 years old and have eaten them ever since. I am now 66, and hope they are manufactured again.

  • Catherine Carlock Simpson

    I just found your website while searching for information on if and where I could still purchase RyKrisp crackers – and signed up for your newsletter. It’s great to know how many other people love RyKrisp crackers as much as I have for over 40 years! I’m even more thrilled to know you’re making progress toward restarting production of my favorite cracker. Keep the faith and continue to move forward, even if it’s only in small increments!!!!

  • cindy daugherty

    Hope your day in court ends in a amazing positive note.
    I look forward to the day of seeing those amazing tasty seasoned RYKRISP is back on the shelves 🙂

  • Terri

    I am a native New Yorker. As long as I can remember we’ve had RyKrisp crackers in our home. . In the 50’s, my mom would make dad his 2 RyKrisp sandwiches for work..with peanut butter & jelly or bologna & cheese or whatever else we had…As I grew up I’d make them for him. A very special memory. My mom & I would have them with a little butter & a cup of tea. Now that they are gone I long for them even more. There are no substitutions that will ever equal RYKRISP. I hope that the legal dilemma will work out in your favor!

  • Lee Freeman

    Really miss the old RYKRISPs. Kept searching the store shelves hoping to find it. Glad to see it may come back. Especially the seasoned RYKRISP. Cannot understand why there would be a legal problem, but good luck with it. Hope to see it in the store again. Thanks

    • tleavitt Post author

      Lee – The legal issue relates to a contract manufacturing issue. We didn’t buy the plant and had to move production. It’s a long story, but thanks for keeping the interest! Ted Leavitt

  • Doug Janis

    I’ve been eating RYKRISP as far back as I can remember. Hang in there. I’ll keep waiting and watching for your return. HANG IN THERE!!

  • Betty

    I have a pate’ recipe that I have made for years and which everyone loves. It was always served with the Seasoned RyKrisp crackers. Life just isn’t the same since I have been unable to purchase them. I would put out sliced sourdough baguette also, just in case someone didn’t care for the crackers, but it was the RyKrisp that always disappeared way before anything else. And this is from Northern California!! Wishing you all the best luck to get these marketed again in the very near future!

  • Christine Kelly-Boyd

    I’m 54 & my 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Ogalvie, would give me a RyKrisp cracker as a reward! It is a very special memory! I LOVE the Seasoned version & miss them so much! Have always had them in my house & really miss them. No other crisp compares. My family hopes you can get them back in production for us! Thanks Mrs. Ogalvie!

    • tleavitt Post author

      Ellen – Reading the updates will give you some update about what happened and when. It relates to critical manufacturing equipment being taken from our distribution center that prevented us from producing. As a small company, we have to get these things resolved. We feel your pain! Thanks for being a supporter. Ted Leavitt

    • tleavitt Post author

      Thanks. Ideas like that are great. Having some experience with it suggests the best thing to do is use your own resource to get the legal stuff behind you (no one really likes to invest in that stuff), and seek support as needed when doing the business building. As a quick aside, as an S Corp, one is limited to 100 shareholders, and thus one needs to change the structure to do crowd funding. All the best, Ted Leavitt

  • Gary Harmon

    RyKrisp are the best rye crackers ever. Have been eating them since I was a boy in the 1950’s. After they disappeared from my local grocery stores a couple of years ago life just hasn’t been the same! The stores haven’t been able to tell me why they are no longer stocked. Just came back from Schnuck’s, our local mega chain here in the St. Louis area and bought a pack of Wasa crackers, Good but they don”t have the great savory taste of your brand. I counted 51 facings of Nabisco crackers and almost as many of Keebler.
    There were a few selections of smaller brands. It seems corporate America won’t rest until we are all eating THEIR choices for us. I was in the Chicago west burbs last t weekend and drove up and down Weber Road for miles and could not find even one local family owned restaurant. All chain food glop. Don’t know what your lawsuit is all about but my taste buds and support for the small business community hope you win and and are back in production soon.

  • David K VanBuskirk

    I am truly interested in the return of the cracker since there is NO substitute for it. I love the cracker I can’t have my cheese and crackers tuna on cracker etc. I have turned many people on to a good healthy alternative to bread.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Daniel – Thanks for the note. Our ownership of the trademark has nothing to do with our lawsuit. Like most small businesses, after the hiatus, we need the proceeds to restart production. Thus, we are focused on collecting. Not easy, but we’re on the case. Thanks for being a fan and staying updated. Ted L

  • Bill Bader

    I _really_ miss RYKRISP and hope for its return in the not-too-distant future. Blessings on your efforts to bring it back!

  • Linda Yarborough

    RYKRISP was my favourite cracker, and I am so sorry it has not been available in recent years. The other crisp breads available are poor imitationS, in my opinion. In this time of pandemic, I’ve learned to make my own knekkebrød, but would certainly buy RYKRISP again if you are able to get through your legal wrangles, and start producing it.
    Good luck Ted!
    Linda in Alaska

  • Scott hillstrom

    I want my RYKRISP back. I grew up decades ago eating it. Just tried to buy some. Boy, a lot can happen in 50 years! I promise to be a regular buyer if this great produce comes back on the market!