Business Updates

Any and all updates related to progress of RyKrisp

We know it’s a long time between updates, but we know RYKRISP lovers are judicious in their on-line/email time because they are fun people and out doing interesting things. We’ve also been heartened by the continued comments pointing out what makes RYKRISP special. We love reading those. Keep them coming. […]

Brief Update – April 18, 2019

Someone made a comment that nothing had happened on the legal front from October until now.  We love the spirit, but the wheels of justice continue to grind very slowly. Suffice it to say, we are out there working on the case and trying to get to a favorable resolution. […]

Merry Christmas from RyKrisp – December 19, 2018

Thanks everyone for the comments we continue to receive. They motivate us, remind us about why we are persevering in this legal fight, and bring a ray of sunshine into the day…there are plenty of others, but this one is special Thanks. The legal process groans on inexorably.  We’ve made […]

Brief Update – September 17, 2018

To our fans: The main message here is to say, “Thanks for your patience”.  As an update, we are still moving along with our legal efforts to be able to get back into production.  We receive hundreds of comments and appreciate every one of them.  The general theme is that […]

Brief update – June 20, 2018

We just looked at the last update and it was October 20th.  When in legal situations like this, folks start forgetting about time. Here’s where we are, and from the dozens and dozens of comments here, we know you are as frustrated as us, but also have been so supportive […]

Another brief update – March 28, 2018

The oven room at the former RyKrisp building is now a production area for wood products maker Woodchuck USA. RENÉE JONES SCHNEIDER • RENEE.JONES@STARTRIBUNE.COM It’s great to see the old Minneapolis RyKrisp facility doing well as a “new business hub” and former RyKrisp employees getting involved. Nice article by Kevyn […]

What’s up with the former RyKrisp factory :-)

Apologies for not staying in better touch, but we’re just continuing to work our way through the legal system. It’s a slog, but we’re still on the case and feeling positive. We’ve been really reassured by the moral support we get from fans. One grocery chain recently contacted us and […]

Very brief update – October 20, 2017

Many of you asked about July 17th being the next “Red Letter Day” and getting our legal saga behind us. Well, not quite true 🙁 We’re feeling good about our particular legal position (and importantly have recovered our equipment), but the defendants are throwing out claims right and left, and […]

Delay in the next “Red Letter Day” (but it will ...

We just wanted to share the news that last Friday June 30th was a “red letter day”. After almost one year of fighting the good fight in litigation against our contract manufacturer stealing critical equipment and putting us out of business (as you will likely be aware), a Cook County […]

June 30th is RyKrisp “Red Letter Day”

We hadn’t forgotten our fans/devotees. It’s just that we don’t want to bother you without meaningful updates, and we don’t really have any at present. Our litigation is plodding along in the Cook County courts, which appear not to be distinguished for their speed. We know we’re doing the right […]

Check in (June 1, 2017)