This is a nice article that explains the background of our purchase and our strategy going forward. US Crispbread Maker RYKRISP Looks To Start Anew
Business Updates

Ex Pillsbury Executives Plan to Relaunch RYKRISP (We’re a bit behind on the timing, but the story is the same). hosting information lookup .
Update via Food Processing magazine (August 14, 2015)

We hoped to run our first commercial test with our new manufacturing partner on Thursday. This is going to be delayed 3-4 weeks as we are making some engineering changes to fit our products on the production line. An autumn launch is looking a bit ambitious. Keep the faith and […]
Update – October 14, 2015

As a brief update for RYKRISP fans. Thanks for signing up for updates, liking, etc. Getting manufacturing going is making slow but sure progress. We’ve got a team of R&D/commercialization, engineering, and manufacturing working on getting the process right. Our next production run on October 15th will be a considerable […]
Update – September 28, 2015

This past week we took the first step towards producing RYKRISP with our proposed manufacturing partner. They were baby steps towards learning how to work with the dough in different operating conditions. Many thanks to those involved, and we thought we’d share a few pictures of this effort.
Message from Ted (August 21)

Baking Business reports on our plans for RYKRISP. Investor Group to Bring Back RYKRISP
Update via Baking Business (August 17, 2015)

An update regarding the best cracker on the planet, courtesy of Mike Hughlett, food industry reporter for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Former Pillsbury executives plan to relaunch RyKrisp, but not in Minneapolis
Update via Minneapolis Star Tribune (August 14, 2015)
A quick update on what we’re doing: – #WHERESMYRYKRISP – post or tweet a picture of some great place you know would be better with RyKrisp. – #ONMYRYKRISP – do the same with a photo in some great setting showing something you’d want on your RyKrisp – Manufacturing – […]
Message from Ted (July 30th)

RyKrisp lovers know that it tastes better than competitors like Wasa, Kavli and Finncrisp (shown here left to right). But did you know one of the main reasons why? A major factor is the artisanal approach to preparing the dough for baking. At RyKrisp, we naturally aerate the dough before […]
The artisanal aspect of a RyKrisp crispbread
As we’ve been rebuilding the website, we’re also in the process of rebuilding the business. For those of you who aren’t aware the RyKrisp crispbreads you love went out of distribution in March when the previous owners decided to exit the business. Branco The manufacturing plant is being shifted to […]