Message from Ted (July 30th) 8


A quick update on what we’re doing:

– #WHERESMYRYKRISP – post or tweet a picture of some great place you know would be better with RyKrisp.

– #ONMYRYKRISP – do the same with a photo in some great setting showing something you’d want on your RyKrisp

– Manufacturing – we’re working with a partner at the moment and hope to have an update for you on that.  Progress is being made!

Thanks for being a fan.

Ted Leavitt


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8 thoughts on “Message from Ted (July 30th)

  • James Cole

    I cannot find Ry Krisp in any of the stores in my area? What happened? It use to be available. Thanks, Zip codes 89502 and 89436

    • tleavitt Post author

      James – when we bought RyKrisp, we didn’t buy the manufacturing from ConAgra and they closed the plant. We’re working hard to get it back up and running. That’s why we ask you subscribe here so we can keep you posted on progress. Looking forward to being back. Thanks for being a fan.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Kathy – as per the other comments, we’re in an “intermission” now between ConAgra ownership and us getting the product back in the market. Please do subscribe here, and we’ll keep you posted on progress back towards relaunch. In the meantime, thanks for being a fan. Ted

  • CSchore

    Definitely a major RyKrisp fan. There’s nothing similar on the market that compares. They are healthy and wholesome and delicious. I’m very sad without my RyKrisps. Really Really Really hope you’re able to achieve your goal of finding another way to manufacture and supply RyKrisps. These big, greedy corporations are so disappointing.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Thanks for being a fan. We’re on the case and the support gives us extra impetus. We’ll keep you posted on progress. Ted

  • Michael B. Wright

    I have just visited four grocery stories today looking for Seasoned Ry Krisp.

    I am getting very nervous. I have not seen it and love this stuff.

    where can I find this in Seattle? y zip is: 98199.

    Anxiious in Seattle, I am,


    • tleavitt Post author

      Michael – anxious but not yet sleepless in Seattle. Good to hear. As I think you’ve seen from the video and website, we bought the brand but not the manufacturing and have to get that restarted. We’re working on that and are hoping to be back in gear in the autumn. In the meantime, we’ll call this an intermission, necessary but good preparation for Act 2. Please subscribe to updates here on the website and stay in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter if you use either. You’ll then be the first to know when we’re back. We’ll also start distribution via Amazon so we can reach the entire USA from the get-go. Thanks for your keen interest. Ted