Share your RyKrisp story… 6

What is missing in this photo? RyKrisp! I took this photo just a few days ago in the Talkeetna Mountains thinking how much better my lunch would be if the Tilamook Cheddar and Gallo Salami had their good friend of 30 years, RyKrisp, with them. (courtesy of John Robertson, Sutton, Alaska)IMG_1482

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6 thoughts on “Share your RyKrisp story…

  • Danny

    So true! I have hiked with friends since high school and at least one of us have always had Rykrisp in our packs. Hiking without Rykrisp is like going to prom without a date; You can do it, but somethings just missing. Great photo!
    Trumansburg NY

  • Phil Heacock

    I have been a fan of Ry Krisp for many (60) years and recently I have not been able to find them in my local Safeway store or the Ft Carson Commissary. Can you tell me why?
    I hope you have not discontinued them. I live in Colorado Springs, CO. Can you tell me who might carry them?

    • tleavitt Post author

      Phil – as per the other notes here, we’re in a bit of a hiatus. We bought the company but not production and are working on getting going again. Hopefully in the autumn. Please subscribe on the website and we’ll keep you updated. Thx for checking in. Ted

  • Andy Peterson

    My great grandfather, Arvid Peterson, founded RyKrisp. I am happy to hear there are fans of the Krispbread. I’ve been waiting for it to re-emerge and hope it soon becomes a reality. Its great stuff!

    • tleavitt Post author

      Andy – Really great that you wrote about your connection to the founder. That was a long time ago! We’re on the case, even though the break in the marketplace has been a long time. The loyalty of RYKRISP’s fans is testimony to its “goodness”. Thx, Ted Leavitt