The Art of Healthy Living #ONMYRYKRISP 5

We’d love to hear ideas from you about the art of healthy living that we can share with each other.  We’re starting by trying to add tasty, healthy, fun things atop  a RyKrisp crispbread. How about watermelon and feta (shown here). #ONMYRYKRISP

Summer treat - RyKrisp with Watermelon and Feta

Summer treat – RyKrisp with Watermelon and Feta

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5 thoughts on “The Art of Healthy Living #ONMYRYKRISP

    • tleavitt Post author

      Thanks for being a fan. Do sign up on the website for updates and we’ll keep you posted on when we are back in the market and how to get it. When we bought the company, we didn’t buy the manufacturing. Priority #1 is getting that back in action. We’ll use social media to keep folks like you posted on progress. We don’t yet have a definitive date but I’m guessing early autumn. All the best, Ted Leavitt (CEO and Owner)

  • Linda Challoner

    I have been looking for my RyKrisp crackers for a few months now; I can’t make my meatloaf, stuffed peppers and salmon patties with out them. These are a vital ingredient in many of my recipes. I’m eating healthier and found these to be a healthier ingredient than soda crackers or bread crumbs and the taste is far superior than any other filler type of ingredient.
    I miss these crackers and want to know when I can find them on my store shelves again. I sent my husband out this morning on a hunt to find them, he finally came back with the sad news that “they were no where to be found”. I’m glad you have a web site to keep us RyKrisp lovers posted. Thank you!

    • tleavitt Post author

      Linda – Thanks. Will keep you posted on getting back on the shelves. We’re working with a manufacturing partner now, so that is good news from my end. If you feel like sharing your recipe(s) with us (and a picture if yoiu have them), I’d love to post. As you can see, we’re working on #ONMYRYKRISP, but that includes great recipes using RyKrisp. Thanks for sharing your comments/thoughts. Ted (CEO/Owner)