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17 thoughts on “US crispbread brand RYKRISP looks to start anew (Just-Food.com 101/5/2015)

    • tleavitt Post author

      We are out of distribution at the moment, as we bought the company without the production. Thus the product left the shelves, and we’re working on moving the manufacturing to a place that can produce it for us (not an easy process). Do sign up here for updates, and we will keep you posted. S California is a priority market for us. Thx. Ted

  • Anonymous

    Help! I want good old-fashioned RYKRISP. I’ve been to several groceries in Indianapolis, but can’t find them. The other brands I’ve bought are dry Or thick and hard . Please bring back my favorites really soon.

    • tleavitt Post author

      On the case. We don’t have a hard and fast date, but if you are signed up for updates, you’ll be the first to be updated on our progress. Many thanks for the words of support vis a vis the competition. Ted

  • anonymous

    I just (early Nov.) looked for RYKRISP in one of my local Seattle grocery stores. When I couldn’t find it, I did a web search and was disappointed to see that it is currently not being produced. Looking forward to its return to grocery stores.

  • judi stiles

    Northern California, here. Please please speed up the distribution and manufacture of my husband’s and my favorite cracker. I’m sure you had no idea how much you are missed.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Blame the lack of knowledge on the last guys. We didn’t get it until the announcement was already made. Hope you signed up for updates and you’ll be first to now.

        • how much to buy a domain Post author

          The Pacific Northwest (and rest of West Coast and Upper Midwest) are our most important markets, so we’ll be back as soon as we can. Thinking early in the year, and if you are subscribed here for updates, you will be the first to know. Thx!

  • Helen

    I’ve been searching all over for RYKRISP.. thinking just Safeway discontinued. I was ready to write them when I learned you are revamping and will return to market. Hope it is soon!!

    • tleavitt Post author

      Safeway was an important customer. We will work hard to get back on the shelves there, but one alternative that we will start when we re-launch is via Amazon, which can get us anywhere. That being said, we hope to have retail distribution ASAP. Looking to get back in the early part of the year.

  • Linda Lamb

    Love these crackers and looking forward to eating them again. Especially being gluten free and in alignment with my blood type eating guidelines. Thanks

    • tleavitt Post author

      Thanks for the “love”. Always appreciated. Can we ask you a question regarding the “gluten-free” aspect? As you probably know, rye is low gluten, but not gluten free. Is your requirement for “no” or “low”. We’re curious as this helps us with communicating to the right audience. All the best, Ted

  • how much to buy a domain

    I was so upset when I found out RYKRISP is no longer. Had I known it was coming, I would have bought every box I could get my hands on. NOTHING tastes as good while having such a great nutritional profile. Please, please, please bring it back! The same great tasting seasoned flavor (and the dill flavor too). Im from southern Minnesota. I’m Swedish and my husband is Norwegian. We love and must have our RYKRISP, please!